ESG Engagement

ESG Engagement

We believe stewardship of our clients’ capital is essential to our role as an active asset manager and fiduciary.

Engagement is an integral part of our fundamental research process, providing a framework for dialogue between us and our portfolio companies.

Cohen & Steers also seeks to encourage companies to adopt ESG best practices at an industry level through industry groups and initiatives.

As part of our fiduciary duty at Cohen & Steers, we recognize that stewardship of our clients’ capital is a cornerstone of our role as an active asset manager. This responsibility extends beyond mere investment decisions regarding which securities to own; it encompasses ongoing, active engagement with the companies in which we invest. Such engagement aims to foster a deeper understanding of the business risks and opportunities that are financially relevant and to promote practices aligned with creating sustainable shareholder value.

Individual Engagement

See our progress

Our primary method of engagement involves direct dialogue with senior management or boards of directors.

Proxy Voting

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Our investment professionals, rather than third-party service providers, vote proxies. Our decisions consider ESG factors to protect our clients’ long-term economic interests.

Collaborative Engagement

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Collaboration with other investors and stakeholders to ensure companies consider the rights of all shareholders and stakeholders.

Our leadership position in listed real assets and alternative income amplifies our voice and influence when we engage with companies—whether we currently invest in them or not.

We believe this enhances the impact of our ESG efforts.

Cohen & Steers has adopted a policy that describes how it engages with companies in which it invests. The policy is available here in accordance with the Shareholder Rights Directive II (Directive 2007/36/EC as amended by Directive 2017/828).


We take a rigorous approach to our proxy voting responsibilities over client securities. Clear policies and our Proxy Committee aim to make consistent voting decisions that are in our clients’ best interests while also considering complex and controversial ESG issues.

Cohen & Steers Global Proxy Voting Procedures and Guidelines