History shows that including real assets in a portfolio may provide inflation sensitivity, greater portfolio diversification, and attractive risk-adjusted returns over full market cycles.
Vince Childers, Head of Real Assets Multi-Strategy, discusses key challenges investors are facing today, why real assets are positioned to benefit, and Cohen & Steers’ strategic, long-term investment approach.

3 Reasons to own real assets today
A diversified blend of real assets can potentially play a vital role in the new regime of higher inflation, higher rates and increased market volatility.

What could a second Trump presidency mean for real assets?
Market reaction indicates investors are expecting higher inflation, deregulation, lower taxes and winners and losers in key sectors such as energy and infrastructure.

The benefits of real assets in retirement plans
The economic regime shift now underway could prove challenging for typical allocations, and many fiduciaries are exploring diversification options for retirement plans. Listed real assets may provide an attractive solution.
Please see important disclosures and risks below.
The views and opinions are as of March 2022 and subject to change without notice and represent an assessment of the market environment at a specific point in time, should not be relied upon as legal, investment or tax advice and is not intended to predict or depict performance of any investment. We consider the information to be accurate, but we do not represent that it is complete or should be relied upon as the sole source of appropriateness for investment. Investors should consult their own investment professional with respect to their individual circumstances.
Data quoted represents past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. There is no guarantee that any historical trend illustrated above will be repeated in the future, and there is no way to predict precisely when such a trend will begin. There is no guarantee that a market forecast made in this commentary will be realized. Diversification does not assure a profit nor protect against loss.
Risks of Investing in Real Assets Securities.
A real assets strategy is subject to the risk that its asset allocations may not achieve the desired risk return characteristic, underperform other similar investment strategies or cause an investor to lose money. Risks of investing in REITs are similar to those associated with direct investments in real estate securities, including (i) property values may fall due to increasing vacancies, declining rents resulting from economic, legal, tax, political or technological developments, lack of liquidity, limited diversification and sensitivity to certain economic factors such as interest rate changes and market recessions. The value of commodity-linked derivative instruments may be affected by changes in overall market movements, commodity index volatility, changes in interest rates, or factors affecting a particular industry or commodity, such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs and international economic, political and regulatory developments. The use of derivatives presents risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in traditional securities, including market risk, credit risk, counterparty risk, leverage risk and liquidity risk and can lead to losses because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying asset, index or rate, which may be magnified by certain features of the derivatives. Securities of natural resource companies may be affected by events occurring in nature, inflationary pressures and international politics. Global infrastructure securities may be subject to regulation by various governmental authorities, such as rates charged to customers, operational or other mishaps, tariffs and changes in tax laws, regulatory policies and accounting standards. Foreign securities involve special risks, including currency fluctuation and lower liquidity.
Cohen & Steers Capital Management, Inc. (Cohen & Steers) is a registered investment advisory firm that provides investment management services to corporate retirement, public and union retirement plans, endowments, foundations and mutual funds.
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