Real Assets Fund
The investment objectives of the Fund are to achieve attractive total returns over the long-term and to maximize real returns during inflationary environments by investing in “real assets”.
Outperformance in inflationary periods
Real assets’ positive inflation sensitivity may help mitigate the potentially damaging effects of accelerating inflation on a portfolio concentrated in stocks and bonds
Diversification potential
Distinct performance drivers generally result in differentiated behaviors from broad equities and fixed income
Historically strong returns with less volatility
Real assets may improve risk-adjusted portfolio returns without sacrificing the potential for equity-like returns over full market cycles
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Please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of any U.S. Registered open-end fund carefully before investing. A summary prospectus and prospectus containing this and other information may be obtained by calling 1-800-330-7348 or visiting the applicable fund page on this site. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Income from investments is not guaranteed.
This material should not be relied upon as investment advice, does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell a security or other investment and is not intended to predict performance of any investment. This material is not being provided in a fiduciary capacity and is not intended to recommend any investment policy or investment strategy or take into account the specific investment objectives or circumstances of any investor. Please consult with your investment, tax and/or legal professional regarding your individual circumstances prior to investing.
Cohen & Steers U.S. registered open-end funds are distributed by Cohen & Steers Securities, LLC, and are only available to U.S. residents.