Build better portfolios with Cohen & Steers Active ETFs
Build better portfolios with Cohen & Steers Active ETFs
Unlock alpha with active ETFs.
Unlock 38 years of expertise and insight from an industry pioneer.
Unlock the advantages of real assets and alternative income.
Active advantage
Active ETFs for markets where active management matters
The Cohen & Steers advantage
A real assets and alternative income leader
Performance advantage
35+ years of innovation, specialization and insight
Active advantage
Unlock excess returns with active ETFs
The Cohen & Steers advantage
Unlock 38 years of expertise and insight from an industry leader
Performance advantage
Unlock the advantage of real assets and alternative income
Cohen & Steers
Real Estate
Active ETF
Cohen & Steers
Preferred and Income
Opportunities Active ETF
Cohen & Steers
Natural Resources
Active ETF
Why more investors are choosing active ETFs for their portfolios
Active management
Potentially higher returns over funds that simply track an index
Intraday trading, no minimum investment, transparency
Tax efficiency
Hold onto more of your returns by minimizing capital gains distributions

Why Active Matters
Surpass the limits of passive funds with active management in specialized asset classes.

The active advantage in listed real estate
- Active strategies have a track record of beating passive
- Active managers can exploit opportunities from the wide dispersion of returns across 17 REIT sectors and dozens of geographies
- Fundamental research can identify changes in macro-economic and bottom-up drivers of REIT returns, like cash flows and asset values

The active advantage in preferred securities
- Preferred securities markets are inefficient, enabling active managers to identify undervalued securities
- Active managers can access the entire global preferred securities marketplace, underrepresented in passive funds
- Active duration, interest or credit risk management can lead to better risk-adjusted returns

The active advantage in natural resource equities
- The wide dispersion of returns in NRE sectors and securities allows bottom-up security selection to deliver strong total returns
- Active managers can deliver strong returns with lower volatility by managing commodity price fluctuations using a risk parity approach
- Passive strategies have historically failed to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns due to high volatility
Need to contact us?
We’d be happy to answer questions about our investment solutions or any corporate-related inquiries.
Please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of any U.S. registered open-end fund, closed-end fund or exchange-traded fund carefully before investing.
U.S. registered open-end fund summary prospectuses and prospectuses containing this and other information may be obtained by calling 1-800-330-7348 or visiting the applicable fund page on this site and should be read carefully before investing. Exchange traded fund summary prospectuses and prospectuses containing this and other information may be obtained by calling 1-866-737-6370 or visiting the applicable fund page on this site and should be read carefully before investing. Recent closed-end fund periodic reports and other regulatory filings may be obtained by contacting your financial professional or visiting the Fund Literature section of this website and should be read carefully before investing. These reports and other filings can also be found on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR Database.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.
Cohen & Steers U.S. registered open-end funds are distributed by Cohen & Steers Securities, LLC, and are only available to U.S. residents. The Cohen & Steers ETFs are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, L.L.C.
Cohen & Steers Capital Management, Inc. (Cohen & Steers) is a registered investment advisory firm that provides investment management services to corporate retirement, public and union retirement plans, endowments, foundations and mutual funds.